“Improv For Anxiety” Workshop with Sarah Filman, Launching This Fall

In a world that often feels like a relentless stream of stress, change, and stress from change, where the script is constantly being rewritten by unforeseen circumstances, it's no surprise that anxiety has become an unwelcome companion for many, with global numbers rising. The day-to-day can leave us feeling like we're starring in a high-stakes drama without a rehearsal.

But what if there was a way to not just navigate this chaos but to thrive in it?

Enter Sarah Filman, leadership coach, team development facilitator, and improv comedian launching her workshop, "Improv For Anxiety" on October 2nd at The Rozzie Square Theater. This 5-workshop series was designed to empower individuals to discover newfound resilience, tools, and self-confidence as they navigate their journey with anxiety.

Sarah is no stranger to the effects of anxiety herself, having wrestled with it in her own life. However, she's turned her battle with anxiety into a transformation; over the years it has become a practice that improved her well-being and she’s ready and excited to share this with others navigating their own path.

When we asked Sarah about why she is excited to bring this 5-workshop series to Boston, she shared:

“Labels never tell the whole story of a person, but I feel pretty comfortable using the terms anxious, introverted, and highly sensitive to describe myself and how I move through the world.  I (nervously) signed up for my first improv class with two main hopes: 1.) To learn skills to help with my frequent "deer in headlights" moments at work when I was asked a question in a public setting (even when I knew the answer!) 2.) To make some new connections in a fun, structured, setting that wouldn't rely on small talk.

All of those hopes came true, but it was even more personally transformational than I could have imagined. The "rules" and culture of improv are such that you're encouraged not only to make mistakes, but to accept them, celebrate them, and productively work with them. You practice bringing your focus to the present moment in order to listen and show up for your teammates. Rather than overthinking every decision, you're encouraged to commit and move forward with an idea. Having a safe, fun environment week after week to practice these skills and mindsets helped me shift my relationship with anxiety and develop my self-confidence in ways that I will be forever grateful for. And I continue practicing improv because that work is ongoing and very important to my mental well-being! I love working with others who are actively looking to add more tools to their well-being toolbox, which makes Improv for Anxiety one of my favorites to teach.

Join us for this opportunity to help anxiety be less of a hindrance and, instead, become a catalyst for personal growth.

Need more? See below. If you are curious about the class but would like to talk to the instructor before signing up, connect directly with Sarah and set up time to chat by emailing sarah@sarahfilman.com.

About “Improv For Anxiety”
Dates: Mondays in October (October 2nd - October 30)
Time: 7p - 9p
Cost: $225 early bird; $250 after 9/18
In this 5-week course, you'll play, laugh, and learn new creative strategies and communication skills in a nurturing environment with others who identify with experiencing anxiety in their lives. Improv comedy is a collaborative art form that celebrates mistakes! Each week we'll play improv games and engage in exercises that de-emphasize fears of imperfection and rejection by celebrating and finding joy in the attempt. This class is capped at 12 students. Students must be 18+ years of age and out of high school.

Important note: The curriculum for this course was designed with the input of Dr. Shereen Morse, a licensed psychiatrist specializing in working with people with OCD and anxiety, however, this class is not an appropriate substitute for therapy and is not taught by a licensed therapist. It is not intended to treat or diagnose.

About Sarah Filman
Sarah Filman (she/her) is a leadership coach, team development facilitator, and improv comedian. An improviser since 2018, she has been a proud performer with ComedySportz first with Seattle and now Boston. Sarah has a passion for not only performing but creating safe, supportive spaces where others can grow. Her work has grown to produce workshops such as Intro to Improv, Improv for Anxiety, and Leading with an Improv Mindset to students, professionals, and leaders. Before becoming an improviser, Sarah spent 20 years honing her skills as a tap dancer, aiming to 'Make 'Em Laugh' like Donald O'Connor.


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